Hi all,

We’re back with the first episode in our brand new series on the Spanish Civil War.

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1. Cubierta_constitucion1931.jpg

The Spanish Civil War is surely one of the most important civil wars of all time. It was a war that had ideological, social, class, religious, regional, and economic divides. It was a bloody war that saw brutal repression. And it was a war that had a major international element - it involved battles between democracy and dictatorship, Fascism and Communism, Germany and the USSR.

In short, the war was not only a battle for Spain’s soul, but a battle for Europe’s and the world’s soul. And I haven’t even mentioned how important it was for World War 2..

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See you next time,

George Levrier-Jones

Spanish Civil War History - Episode 1 - To Change or Not to Change
History in 28-minutes